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Swaragh Technologies: Website AMC- Annual Maintenance contract, Website maintenance services in Bangalore.

Maintenance & Support

Annual Maintenance ContractAnnual Maintenance Contract

Technology up-gradation is a constantly happening process as it is important to be in-line with the changing demands. Web Maintenance is an important aspect for sites to gain entry and maintain effective online business. Therefore, proper maintenance gives the needed sustenance.

Why maintain a website?

  • Constantly check bugs, errors, missing links, etc.
  • Update latest data to make the Site and Business grow effectively.
  • Help troubleshoot in time.
  • Periodical review of Traffic Statistics and hits to the Website.
  • Help improve Search Engines and Page Ranking.

Website annual maintenance contract with Swaragh is value addition as

  • Our clients can seek and rely on us for AWM Contracts and Complete Technical Support.
  • A very reliable and professional team is always at work.
  • Website Maintenance is made Economical and Convenient.
  • Timely Assistance is our Service Motto.

Offsite and Onsite SupportOffsite and Onsite Support:

Offsite - we support remotely. It is the most advantageous as technical help can be given from and to any remote location. Regular data backup can be done to prevent loss of data. It is cost effective and services are provided by experienced IT professionals.


  • Instant support
  • Ensure secured Data backup
  • Personalized service

Onsite - We provide our services extending to work at your place in such situations where remote rectification is not possible.